por Doktor Gnómegang
The Fatwoman
por Doktor Gnómegang
The Fatwoman
It would be, perhaps, the nine oclock in the evening. In these latitudes that means being at night, about two hours after sunset. I was quietly walking down the lonely avenue, garrisoned by old laurels and mahogany, whose dense foliage eclipsed the already tenuous white light of old mercury lamps. Before, I had left that place nearby where I had bought a few things and meats. Anyway, between the shady trail defined by the sidewalk, mostly broken by the vital activity of the thick roots of old trees, appeared an occasional light gap.
I was about ten minutes walk down there, when I see in the distance the figure of a woman, who would not be surprising that fact, if it were not for the woman herself was strange. Yes, it was a fat, obese woman if you will, in his thirties, but it came dressed in a pinkish tight revealing clothes almost like a second skin. But what most struck me was his provocative gait, as if walking insinuating, but in their disproportionate seemed grotesque figure more than sensual gestures. So far the thing had not had another special meaning when being closer and under a clear light I noticed his facial expression, or rather, his face was expressionless. It was as if a huge doll handled by invisible threads, which gave me a feeling of deep concern.
"It claims this woman, I thought a semi-dark and lonely place like this? Will buscándosela? Is it a decoy and will accomplices robbers hiding in the dark? Is it a mental patient?"
Embodied obesity was closer and saw that his face expressionless peeked babbling like a song, as if singing something softly to herself. It was then that I realized we were walking on the opposite side of the old colonial cemetery, whose doors were now almost in front.
Then I was struck by the thought that it could be an apparition, a being beyond, a scarecrow, who knows it!
The fat woman glanced at me, showing a rictus a way to smile, but I was faster. I instinctively looked away and irrationally hurried over to the point that, dodging, I passed him striding, with a shudder flowing my back when I had her back. I quickened my pace as I could, but the feeling of darkness, cold and unhealthy sensuality I perceived behind me I bloodcurdling. Then gave me heart sank when I heard his footsteps coming back after me, dragging lete cheap sandals that were on his feet, with one humming, unintelligible, devoid of emotion, like a coming litany of past ages.
I did not dare look back, afraid of horror that could have seen, evoking the cosmic terrors reminiscent of the infamous books I had read, written by whom you may suspect. Terrors and visions able to rock the same Sphinx, so I jumped at the opposite sidewalk, the sidewalk of the cemetery, to the shady old trees that may have witnessed the sleep and awakening of The Primordials, which have stayed dormant for millennia and now seek to re-enslave us, always attacking by treason, or occupying bodies of others.
I reached the sidewalk and ran, blessed with the gate of the old cemetery on my right when I heard a voice at my back calling, and obviously, I thought she called me, more like appeared several voices. I just thought reach the street corner, where there is a huge ancient tree, and beyond a crowded arena.
The golden light of sodium vapor lamp gave me full in the face; there were people on the opposite corner, where businesses are cafes, bars, barbershops and pensions. It was like coming out of a dark and eerie tunnel and meet the light.
The voices and footsteps ceased. I crossed the street swiftly, without looking back, crossing the signs of what at once it had to be city walls, towards the Colonial Zone, for never knowing if I ran away to a crazy sad, a scarecrow, or if indeed I survived by one hair to The Perversity's spell, issued by those who slide between the shadows and whose wicked masters, mired in deep
meditation from inconceivable primaeval ages, await in the background of dark abysses, patiently waiting for the fixed day.
I was about ten minutes walk down there, when I see in the distance the figure of a woman, who would not be surprising that fact, if it were not for the woman herself was strange. Yes, it was a fat, obese woman if you will, in his thirties, but it came dressed in a pinkish tight revealing clothes almost like a second skin. But what most struck me was his provocative gait, as if walking insinuating, but in their disproportionate seemed grotesque figure more than sensual gestures. So far the thing had not had another special meaning when being closer and under a clear light I noticed his facial expression, or rather, his face was expressionless. It was as if a huge doll handled by invisible threads, which gave me a feeling of deep concern.
"It claims this woman, I thought a semi-dark and lonely place like this? Will buscándosela? Is it a decoy and will accomplices robbers hiding in the dark? Is it a mental patient?"
Embodied obesity was closer and saw that his face expressionless peeked babbling like a song, as if singing something softly to herself. It was then that I realized we were walking on the opposite side of the old colonial cemetery, whose doors were now almost in front.
Then I was struck by the thought that it could be an apparition, a being beyond, a scarecrow, who knows it!
The fat woman glanced at me, showing a rictus a way to smile, but I was faster. I instinctively looked away and irrationally hurried over to the point that, dodging, I passed him striding, with a shudder flowing my back when I had her back. I quickened my pace as I could, but the feeling of darkness, cold and unhealthy sensuality I perceived behind me I bloodcurdling. Then gave me heart sank when I heard his footsteps coming back after me, dragging lete cheap sandals that were on his feet, with one humming, unintelligible, devoid of emotion, like a coming litany of past ages.
I did not dare look back, afraid of horror that could have seen, evoking the cosmic terrors reminiscent of the infamous books I had read, written by whom you may suspect. Terrors and visions able to rock the same Sphinx, so I jumped at the opposite sidewalk, the sidewalk of the cemetery, to the shady old trees that may have witnessed the sleep and awakening of The Primordials, which have stayed dormant for millennia and now seek to re-enslave us, always attacking by treason, or occupying bodies of others.
I reached the sidewalk and ran, blessed with the gate of the old cemetery on my right when I heard a voice at my back calling, and obviously, I thought she called me, more like appeared several voices. I just thought reach the street corner, where there is a huge ancient tree, and beyond a crowded arena.
The golden light of sodium vapor lamp gave me full in the face; there were people on the opposite corner, where businesses are cafes, bars, barbershops and pensions. It was like coming out of a dark and eerie tunnel and meet the light.
The voices and footsteps ceased. I crossed the street swiftly, without looking back, crossing the signs of what at once it had to be city walls, towards the Colonial Zone, for never knowing if I ran away to a crazy sad, a scarecrow, or if indeed I survived by one hair to The Perversity's spell, issued by those who slide between the shadows and whose wicked masters, mired in deep
meditation from inconceivable primaeval ages, await in the background of dark abysses, patiently waiting for the fixed day.
Texto Original:
Doktor Gnómegang
Todas las imágenes:
Doktor Gnómegang
por Doktor Gnómegang
Serían tal vez las nueve de la noche. En estas latitudes eso significa estar en plena noche, unas dos horas después de la puesta del sol. Me encontraba caminando tranquilamente por la solitaria avenida, guarnecida de añosos laureles y caobos, cuyo denso follaje eclipsaba la de por sí tenue luz blanquecina de las viejas farolas de mercurio. Antes, había yo salido de aquella plaza cercana, en donde había comprado algunas cosas y viandas. De todas maneras, entre lo umbrío del sendero definido por la acera, en su mayor parte rota por la vital actividad de las gruesas raices de los viejos árboles, aparecía uno que otro claro de luz.
Llevaba yo unos diez minutos andando por allí, cuando veo en la distancia la figura de una mujer, que no tendría nada de extraño ese hecho, si no fuera porque la mujer en sí era extraña. Sí, se trataba de una mujer gorda, obesa si se quiere, de unos treinta años, pero que venía vestida con una reveladora ropa color rosáceo ajustada casi como una segunda piel. Pero lo que más me llamaba la atención era su forma provocadora de andar, como si caminara insinuándose, pero que en su figura desproporcionada más parecian gestos grotescos que sensuales. Hasta ahí la cosa no hubiera tenido otro sentido particular cuando al encontrarse más cerca y bajo un claro de luz reparé en su expresión facial, o mejor dicho, que su rostro carecía de toda expresión. Era como si fuera una enorme muñeca manejada por hilos invisibles, lo cual me transmitió un sentimiento de profunda inquietud.
"¿Que pretende esta tipa, -pensé- en un lugar solitario y semioscuro como éste? ¿Estará buscándosela? ¿Será un señuelo y tendrá cómplices atracadores escondidos en la oscuridad? ¿será una enferma mental?"
La obesidad encarnada estaba mas cerca y observé que en su inexpresivo rostro asomaba el balbuceo como de una canción, como si cantara algo en voz baja para sí misma. Fué entonces cuando caí en cuenta que estábamos caminando en la acera opuesta del antiguo cementerio colonial, cuyas puertas quedaban ahora casi enfrente.Entonces me asaltó el pensamiento de que podía ser una aparición, un ser del más allá, un espantajo, ¡vaya uno a saber!
La mujer gorda me miró de reojo, mostrando un rictus a manera de sonrisa, pero fuí mas rápido. Instintivamente desvié la mirada e irracionalmente apuré el paso al punto que, esquivándola, pasé por su lado a grandes zancadas, con un escalofrío recorriéndome la espalda cuando la tuve detrás. Aceleré el paso lo más que pude, pero la sensación de oscuridad, frío y malsana sensualidad que percibía a mis espaldas me helaban la sangre. Entonces, el corazón me dió un vuelco cuando escuché sus pasos de vuelta que venían tras de mí, arrastrando las baratas soletas que calzaban sus piés, con el canturreo aquel, ininteligible, desprovisto de emoción, como una letanía venida de edades pretéritas. No me atrevía a mirar hacia atrás, temeroso del horror que hubiera podido ver, evocando los terrores cósmicos que recordaba de los infames libros que había leido, escritos por quién ya sospechais. Terrores y visiones capaces de enloquecer a la misma Esfinge, y por eso me lancé a la acera opuesta, a la acera del cementerio, hacia los umbrosos árboles centenarios que podrían haber sido testigos del sueño y del despertar de los antiguos, de los que han dormido durante milenios y ahora pretenden volver a esclavizarnos, atacando siempre a traición, u ocupando cuerpos ajenos.
Alcancé la dichosa acera y corrí, con la verja del viejo cementerio a mi derecha, cuando escuché a mis
espaldas una voz que llamaba, y obviamente, pensé que me llamaba a mí. Más bién parecían varias voces. Yo solo pensaba alcanzar la esquina, en donde hay un inmenso árbol centenario, y mas allá
un escenario más concurrido.
espaldas una voz que llamaba, y obviamente, pensé que me llamaba a mí. Más bién parecían varias voces. Yo solo pensaba alcanzar la esquina, en donde hay un inmenso árbol centenario, y mas allá
un escenario más concurrido.
La luz dorada de la lámpara de vapor de sodio me dió de lleno en la cara; había gente en la esquina opuesta, en donde están los negocios de cafés, bares, barberías y pensiones. Fué como salir de un oscuro y pavoroso túnel y encontrarme con la luz.
Las voces y los pasos cesaron.
Crucé la calle raudo, sin mirar atrás, atravesando las señas de lo que una vez hubo de ser la muralla de la ciudad, en dirección a la Zona Colonial, para nunca saber si le salí huyendo a una triste loca, a un espantajo, o si en verdad sobreviví por
un pelo al hechizo de la perversidad emanada por Aquellos que se deslizan entre las sombras y cuyos perversos amos,
sumidos en profunda meditación desde inconcebibles edades primordiales, aguardan en el fondo de oscuros abismos,
esperando pacientemente el día señalado...
Crucé la calle raudo, sin mirar atrás, atravesando las señas de lo que una vez hubo de ser la muralla de la ciudad, en dirección a la Zona Colonial, para nunca saber si le salí huyendo a una triste loca, a un espantajo, o si en verdad sobreviví por
un pelo al hechizo de la perversidad emanada por Aquellos que se deslizan entre las sombras y cuyos perversos amos,
sumidos en profunda meditación desde inconcebibles edades primordiales, aguardan en el fondo de oscuros abismos,
esperando pacientemente el día señalado...
Texto Original:
Doktor Gnómegang
Todas las imágenes:
Doktor Gnómegang
Creative Commons